• John

    Most of the family knows by now, but on October 2nd of 2023, John was found to have died in his home sometime in the preceeding 24 hours.

  • Family BLM Patents

    I was poking around and stumbled across Grandad’s BLM patents.

  • The Surname History of the Family Grace

    I managed to find the copied photo of the Grace surname and got it scanned. The version that’s posted online with this post is relatively low quality (after all, we’ve only got so much storage space), but if you’d like a high quality version, please send me a thumb drive. Be warned, it’s about 2Gb.

  • Domain Changes Completed

    I finally managed to get the website and domain changes completed. The domain move was the easiest, but it took about a week to get the website and IM server moved and setup (mostly because our new host insists on using Centos instead of Debian or Ubuntu). Unfortunately, due to a storage limitation, we were unable to move the PIM server, so it’s still being hosted on the internal server.

  • Domain Changes

    There are a few changes afoot with the domain, hosting and certificates.

  • COVID-19 Quarantine

    Ernie was confirmed to have COVID at the end of May and was in the VA for a few days. This required Mom and I to quarantine for two weeks. 3 days before the end of the quarantine, I started having some of the symptoms. Add two more weeks of quarantine. Last Tuesday, Mom and I were able to get tested and yesterday we found out that we were negative.

  • Site and Domain Changes

    If you’ve visited the site any time in the past month, you’ve noticed some changes.

  • Family Tree

    Work on the new site continues. I’ve managed to add a little more to the About page. The biggest item is the addition of a simple family tree (Lewis and Bev on down).

  • Changing the Website

    You’ve probably noticed that the website has changed a little.